Clinic Information


Clinic address:   113 W Zia Rd, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 87505.

Telephone:          (505) 992-0412

contact me by email using our online form.

My clinic is located adjacent to my home which is on 1.5 acres in Santa Fe bordering Arroyo Chamiso at the back of my property.

There is a beautiful Koi pond with water falls in the front which is surrounded by an Anasazi dry-stacked stone courtyard and entrance.  I also have a water plant nursery containing multiple plant-growing ponds and a green house filled with tropical plants.  There are many varieties of spectactular stones and crystals dispersed throughout my property and also utilized as part of my office and treatment rooms.

The clinic is within this peaceful setting and is separate from and adjacent to my home.  The clinic also has a separate and designated entrance and parking area.  Please enjoy my sitting room, packed with fun and interesting books, articles, crystals and herbs.   There is sure to be something there that is special for you.


Clinic hours are Monday through Friday by appointment only.


You can get directions to my clinic from google maps.